Friday, November 20, 2009

"Who knows what (…) lurks in the hearts of men?"

A ouvir: tema-título do álbum The Burning Red (Machine Head).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Answer of the day"

« Are cigarette companies required to label their packages with warnings about how harmful cigarettes are to one's health?

The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act — signed into law in America in June 2009 — states that at least 50% of the front and back of each pack of cigarettes be dedicated to a warning about cigarettes' harmful impact on health. If you've been thinking about kicking the smoking habit, but couldn't seem to get started, today is the day. It's the 32nd annual Great American Smokeout, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, observed annually on the third Thursday in November. The rules are simple: just put away your cigarettes for 24 hours. Maybe you'll be inspired to give them up for good. Some helpful tips for quitting: keep active, drink lots of water and juices, change your routine, avoid situations that tempt you to smoke, and buddy up with someone who will help you make it through the day... and beyond. »


Banda sonora: CLUTCH "American Sleep" (

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dia Mundial em Memória das Vítimas da Estrada

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pink Pussy Cats From Hell no Espaço Reflexo

A Hellvolution continua!

Este próximo Sábado (14 Nov) o Mighty Hunter e o Danger Rabbit vão pisar mais um palco. Desta vez no Espaço Reflexo em Sintra.

Segue em anexo o cartaz do evento.
O espaço fica em Sintra, na rua pedonal perto do C.C. Olga Cadaval e do comboio.
Mais informações como horas e mapa podem ser consultadas em baixo.

Esperamos pela presença e participação de todos!

Nota: Como sempre, público com máscaras e afins não só será aceite como bem-vindo! :)
Pink Pussy Cats From Hell no Espaço Reflexo

Sábado, 14 de Novembro às 22h
Av. Heliodoro Salgado, 41, 1.º Fundo, Sintra
Entrada: 3€

google maps com localização do Espaço Reflexo:,-9.382216&num=1&t=h&sll=38.802315,-9.382056&sspn=0.00072,0.000932&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=38.802301,-9.382118&spn=0.00072,0.000932&z=20&iwloc=A